‘It Is To Have Everyone Own Something With The Peace Symbol On It’

To imbue the globe with ‘Visual Peace’ [Art],  & the transformational powers with which it impacts the individual & collective consciousness…’would be living my best life’!
It is also my vision to fill the United Nations with ‘Peace Art’… such as chair upholstery with Peace Symbols on them… desk sets….water glasses…so that each delegate is seamlessly reminded what their true North always is: PEACE PEACE PEACE….’Visual Peace Art’ is so very powerful & transformative!  
As for the UN lobby / entrance, etc… ‘Peace Art’ that is created in collaboration with various villages around the world in their native art elements & forms…such as quilts & sculptures with JGERARD/‘Peace Gallery’ artwork…the awareness towards PEACE will be a thing of true beauty… have musicians throughout the world create songs to perform on special evenings at the United Nations. 🎼WoW🎼
Each & every day I continue to witness people shift awareness TO PEACE within 10 minutes while standing in my ‘Peace Gallery’… ALWAYS inspires me! Goose bumps!

Peace…‘Lady J’

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